Up, Up and Away!

The incoming spiritual energies are quite intense just now and it has been difficult to pick up the thread of how I want to proceed with this blog.  Yet, I feel that there is something that needs to be shared particularly because it is so intense.

As I connect to my heartspace and Mother Gaia I get these waves of incredible peace and just plain joy and frankly, I just want to stay there and enjoy it! I do sense, though, that there is a feeling of being hurried along by many of us, that we do not have enough time to get things done like we would like to be able to. As we move toward the solar eclipse on Sunday, the 20th, I expect these feelings will actually crescendo. The question I have is: are we going to find ourselves being pulled or just slide through this energy vortex to a whole new way of being? I am getting very excited by the prospect of knowing a whole new-old me! I know that our remembering of who and what we are will be amplified tremendously by this event and our connection with all, but especially with our loving mother Gaia will also be re-awakened.

Through the grace of our Creator we are able to allow ourselves to embrace more of who we are than ever before in our long journeys upon Gaia. We are opening our eyes to see a greater landscape than our old 3-D self could ever imagine. This aspect of expansion of our senses goes way beyond the 5 physical senses that we have been accustomed to in our 3-D world. The veil of illusion is dropping away and the beauty of our surroundings will lift us up in body, mind, and soul in every fiber of our being if we but allow the flow of love to filter into each molecule and atom, each cell; each feeling, and each thought. It is like riding a wave, being buoyed along with the motion of the wave to a new destination.  I am looking forward to the unveiling of more of who I am and the realization of my purpose and mission during this time of our transition to the new earth and the new human.  What a wonderful time to be alive!

Bringing in Spring

As we prepare to celebrate the Wesak full moon this Saturday let us remember to honor Gaia in the celebrations as well. In our not so ancient history we often had great festivals to honor Gaia with special rites of fertility and the return of the season of new growth. The earth would like us to remember our relationship to her and to renew the connection by spending time in the open air, fields or forests, along the shoreline letting ourselves fully feel the sunshine, wind and the soil or grass beneath our feet. Shed your shoes and dance through the glade breathing deeply of the fresh spring air. Sing with the wind in the trees and feel your heart expand as it releases the confines of the mundane. Relish the sensual experience of your body in its natural environment. Through these opportunities we come to renew our bond with our Mother Earth and begin the process of healing and balancing our own lives as well as our planet.


We were standing in a circle on a mountainside, gathered with the purpose of honoring our connection to our Mother Earth.  We sang and chanted, raising our arms as the wind gently caressed our bodies.  She was clearly present and honored our presence with the gentle whisperings of the wind through the trees.  As the circle broke up we each found our own personal way to pay homage as well.  I walked among the trees and stood still, quietly listening.  A flood of energy began to wash over me, wave after wave.  I found myself in tears of recognition, familiarity as if I had come home.  She gave me an invitation to learn to know the subtle energies and messages and to one day share these with my brothers and sisters.  These sharings are what I am now embarking on and the time is ripe for the human family to once again know the voice of our Mother, Gaia, and know her as a sentient ,sensitive and great spiritual Being.  She has endured much and yet she forgives and cherishes every living being upon her skin and wishes for each of them to know her personally.   Namaste to all.