Accepting the assignment

After over 40 years of writing for my own edification and looking for my path I have recently come to realize that I was being prepared to step into a more public phase of all this contemplation and reflection.  Time to face those fears of criticism, rejection and ostracism and start writing about my insights, experiences and opinions.  About what, you may ask?  About my part and what I believe to be our collective roles in the evolution of humanity here on this beautiful planet Earth and the greater aspects of our cosmic connections.  I am accepting the assignment that I signed up for to share my own perspective of our current movement and development in this ascendancy phase of human evolution.

In recent times I have come to a realization that the being I am has had a long and varied experience in the realms of human evolution on this Earth and in many star systems of our cosmos.  These revelations have not come lightly or been easily accepted.  I suppose like many of the other starseeds  in our world I have always felt a certain disconnect with the people around me and most particularly the social structures and institutions of humanity.  It has been difficult to observe the inefficiency and utter self-serving aspects of many organizations that were ostensibly created to serve society.  I felt I was somehow dropped here on Earth by accident or as an observer of what doesn’t work in social organization.  But no, I came here voluntarily to bring a perspective from one who has traveled among the stars and social orders of other forms of humanity and that when the time was ripe, to begin to share that perspective.  Apparently, that time has now arrived.

I am not here to bring criticism or  self-righteousness, as there is plenty of that already present.  I will bring my unique personal perspective through the experiences of my own life.  I have had a relatively normal human life being born into a post WWII immigrant family in Canada and relocating to the United States after the first 8 years in Canada.

So the question arises as to why?  Why open myself to ridicule, and all the other stuff that goes with aligning myself to the idea that I have off-earth origins.   It is time to open the minds and hearts of humanity to the realization that the earth is part of a much greater life web than the one present on earth.  Intelligent life or sentient beings exist throughout the cosmos; always have and always will.  The earth is not alone in the scheme of evolutionary processes, which is easily accepted if you have an inkling of scientific logical thinking.

On the other hand the world’s major religions have tried to manipulate humanity into believing that the human race is a rare and unique fixture of earth and the highest level which has ever been achieved.  Really?  Does that actually make any logical sense or is it a reasonable assumption?  There are far too many clear archeological artifacts left from ancient builders on this earth that defy our best efforts of construction today.  Academia has been lead down some ridiculous assumptions as well to deny clear evidence.

There are agendas and manipulations which have existed throughout human history to keep humanity in a state of control for the enrichment and exploitation of a few who have closely guarded the facts for millennia. I am not going to bother arguing this statement.  Do some research and find out the facts for yourself.  The internet is a great tool for researching many things.  Discernment in what you believe is however still an important factor.

Not everything you read is truth and even many parts of my story may not be factual from a certain perspective, but that is part of the story itself.  Finding truth and recognizing it when you find it is a large part of why I am writing this blog.  Truth does not come in neatly defined fact packets.  It comes from many different angles and perspectives and therein lies the need for discernment and rising above the emotional resonance of ideas.

In this blog, then, I will explore my thought processes and perspectives on how I see our current human collective moving into an expansion process in our evolutionary path.  I hope that by sharing my personal journey in discovering this process it may help others who are also discovering their own unique parts in this cosmic tapestry that we, as a human collective, are weaving.

I will share some of my personal story and history and how I came to see things as I do now and the challenges of accepting  that my understandings and viewpoints are not as far out or fringe as I once thought.  It is through sharing our unique stories and perspectives that we can begin to weave the collective tapestry of our human journey.  We each have a singular part and role to play in the collective that is humanity.  By humanity I am including all the different forms that I have known from the greater local universe not just here on earth.

This is not my story alone.  It is the story of many.  My story is not more important than your story, your neighbor’s story, or the autistic child’s story, but it is as important as yours and theirs.  Our stories together create the human collective consciousness and are each threads in the tapestry of that consciousness. All threads are important, but none more than any other.

I welcome you to join me as I unravel my tale and I hope that it will give you hope and courage to find your voice to tell your story.











Published by earthwhisperings

I am currently changing how I see myself as many of us are. I am becoming aware of my multidimensionality and the deeper connections with all life. Through this blog I hope to explore some of my inner and outer journeys and share them with you.

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