Transition Zone

There has been a little gap since my last blog but the it feels like a much bigger gap based on the events of the past few weeks. I have been integrating more of the multi-dimensional aspects of myself during the hiatus of my writing. Like many of you, I am under a quarantine of sorts with stay at home orders and only go out when absolutely necessary to resupply basic necessities. It’s been a few days since this order went into effect where I am. What I and many others out there in cyberland are noticing is that this imposed lock down of our movements may be related to more than the virus pandemic.

There appears to be a synergism of some organizations and the by-product of the viral outbreak allowing certain positive oriented groups to initiate activities to bring about the cleansing of the negative factions which have been orchestrating many of humanity’s activities for a very long time. In any case, the human collective on this planet is now experiencing events which will probably change the basic paradigm which we have become familiar with to something very different. As we transit through this period of unknowns and unprecedented actions around the globe the result at the end of this transit will be a whole new way of being for humanity.

This period we are currently within is allowing each person and each family the time to reflect and evaluate their lives which has never been possible in the hectic lives of most people heretofore. For some the restrictions and unknowns are creating fear, which is understandable, but which is not a useful approach to traversing this period in our history. We are in an historical time where the whole of humanity is united by the perceived threat of a pandemic, yet it is also a time which allows for the unification of humanity to see how we are indeed one people on this planet we call home. We are all in the same boat, no matter where we are on this beautiful globe.

There are those individuals who feel they have inside information or knowledge which gives them a sense of authority and leadership, but frankly, in my opinion, no one has any more idea of where we are going or how we are going to get there than anyone else. This is new and uncharted territory for our human collective on this planet. We have never experienced anything like this before. There is no precedent. There is no playbook. We are moving into a new paradigm, a new way of being human. We are choosing our path forward with each thought and each attention we give and each action we take. It is our choice how to perceive our future and where we want it to go.

The playing fields are leveling up now or they are being prepared to be leveled up. This is where we all get to participate in how we want to show up in the new world we are creating moment by moment, thought by thought, feeling by feeling. This is the beginning of the formation of a new paradigm which some have called awakening. It is an opportunity to see ourselves as beings with choice and with that, responsibility.

If we can maintain our focus on the present moment we will find that we can flow with the current which carries us to the next moment. This is a characteristic of this new paradigm where things move fluidly but not necessarily linearly. Some call this a quantum function, where space/time and time/space interchange causing things to seem to jump rather than move linearly as we have been used to. To orient ourselves we must use our intuition more and maintain control of our emotions while still using our feeling senses to navigate each now moment. If we allow ourselves to focus on the past or the future we may get disoriented and fall into a ditch, so to speak. No problem. There will be a time of adjustment to the new way of being. Bringing our awareness back to the present moment will put us back on track and in the flow once more. Frustrations can be expected. We will all be on a learning curve, or at least most of us. There are a few of us who have been preparing for this time since we came here to incarnate on earth and we are here to help.

It is an exciting time to be alive and to be a part of the transition of humanity. What lies ahead is nothing short of breathtaking, exciting and wondrous. We are on the threshold of a new version of what it means to be human.

Bless you all. Namaste.

The Threads of My Tapestry

My beginnings in this earthly experience were as a foreigner, even in the country where I was born. I was born to emigrants and therefore I maintained my parents citizenship. A few years later my family moved again to another country where we all finally took on the new citizenship.  Although the rest of my birth family was quite happy with their new homeland I was a wandering soul.  First I moved around the great land which had been home to me for most of my life, but then I took a bold move and went to somewhere very different from the comfortable circumstances which had become my standard.  I wanted to experience the way other people lived who had not been privileged as I had been  or at least have first hand knowledge of it.  Going from the United States to Guatemala was a very good learning experience in that respect.

After a few years of that adventure I returned to the US for a time.  As life often does, I was given new challenges and once again found myself ready to move.  This time I chose to try the other side of the Atlantic Ocean.  I knew from my experiences in Guatemala that I did not have the patience to live under relatively primitive conditions and that minimal creature comforts were required.  The idea of a different culture and language did not particularly deter me.  In Guatemala I found that picking up rudimentary Spanish was an interesting occupation and I enjoyed meeting people from all walks of life.  I chose Spain as the latest destination as I had a bit of the language already and the culture was much more akin to my native European background.

One of the things that I have discovered about myself is the ease to which I adapt to wherever I am. Having been a very timid child and young adult, this is one of the most surprising developments in my life.  On reflection, I was always an outsider, one who came from elsewhere.  This is one of the clues which has lead me to realize how profound this actually is.  This was not just in relation to physical location.  It was also cultural and educational.  My northern European culture was very different than the Central American and southern European ones.  My educational training was in the field of biological and medical research and yet I was among farmers and indigenous peoples.

One of my insights from this is that no matter what academic background we may have; talking with and interacting with the locals can teach you heaps more about life and people than all the textbooks in the great libraries of the world.  One on one, first hand interaction and boots on the ground experience is the best for learning about people and their cultures and lifestyles.  Not that academics is bad.  Not at all.  It is a good reference point and can help fill in the missing bits, but direct experience brings the threads of the weave together.

So these were the more physical aspects of my life which serve as threads on the path of my life, but there were many more in the realms of spiritual searching which were and are a large aspect of the pieces of my story.

At a young age I began seeking the meaning of life, the purpose for our existence, who or what was God and how can I experience the knowing of this directly.  My family had broken ties with churches after one of my brothers passed away in his early teens due to appendicitis and somehow the pastor of the local Lutheran church had offended my parents after which they never set foot in another church to my knowledge.  But they didn’t prevent me from seeking my own experiences so I went to learn about the Bible and in my late teens went to various different churches, mostly of the Protestant denominations.  I found them to be mostly social clubs of a sort and did not find a sense of real spiritual depth.

In university I took a course in comparative religion where we read from several of the traditional texts of Christianity, Judaism, Islam and some short treatises of Hindu texts.  This did little to bring any form of real satisfaction either.  About the same time I began a course in Transcendental Meditation which I felt drawn to.  This was a definite step in the right direction as to getting direct experience.  I also started to go to different lectures and retreats which included materials from the Course in Miracles, rebirthing, different forms of meditation and personal development courses.

My reading consisted of many of Wayne Dyer’s books, Autobiograhy of a Yogi by Paramahansa Yogananda, Deepak Chopra’s books, Life and Teaching of the Masters of the Far East,by Baird Spalding, Rolling Thunder by Black Elk, Seven Arrows by Hyemeyohsts Storm, The Magic of Findhorn by Paul Hawken and many more.  I was stretching in all directions at once.  There was much I felt very comfortable with,   even familiar.  Much of what I read felt like I knew it at some level, like it wasn’t new at all; more like a remembering.

The Findhorn books and also the Native American writers particularly triggered a deep response in me in relation to my love of the Earth and her entire living entourage of plants, animals and rocks and rivers and oceans, everything.  I had always had a very deep connection to the Earth and felt a great respect for the Native American way to honor her in their ceremonies. These, to me represent a deep spiritual bond to life and to that which has given us life, the Creator.  This wisdom of the Earth and ceremony to honor and respect Life to me is at the heart of a spiritual path.  As it turns out, that web of Life reaches far beyond the planet Earth and our solar system and into the greater Cosmic web itself.

There are many other threads to add to this beginning list.  They can wait until the next edition of my story.  The weaving together of these various threads is what is creating my personal tapestry and my part in the greater tapestry known as the human collective.

Until next time, may the Creator bless all your now moments.




Accepting the assignment

After over 40 years of writing for my own edification and looking for my path I have recently come to realize that I was being prepared to step into a more public phase of all this contemplation and reflection.  Time to face those fears of criticism, rejection and ostracism and start writing about my insights, experiences and opinions.  About what, you may ask?  About my part and what I believe to be our collective roles in the evolution of humanity here on this beautiful planet Earth and the greater aspects of our cosmic connections.  I am accepting the assignment that I signed up for to share my own perspective of our current movement and development in this ascendancy phase of human evolution.

In recent times I have come to a realization that the being I am has had a long and varied experience in the realms of human evolution on this Earth and in many star systems of our cosmos.  These revelations have not come lightly or been easily accepted.  I suppose like many of the other starseeds  in our world I have always felt a certain disconnect with the people around me and most particularly the social structures and institutions of humanity.  It has been difficult to observe the inefficiency and utter self-serving aspects of many organizations that were ostensibly created to serve society.  I felt I was somehow dropped here on Earth by accident or as an observer of what doesn’t work in social organization.  But no, I came here voluntarily to bring a perspective from one who has traveled among the stars and social orders of other forms of humanity and that when the time was ripe, to begin to share that perspective.  Apparently, that time has now arrived.

I am not here to bring criticism or  self-righteousness, as there is plenty of that already present.  I will bring my unique personal perspective through the experiences of my own life.  I have had a relatively normal human life being born into a post WWII immigrant family in Canada and relocating to the United States after the first 8 years in Canada.

So the question arises as to why?  Why open myself to ridicule, and all the other stuff that goes with aligning myself to the idea that I have off-earth origins.   It is time to open the minds and hearts of humanity to the realization that the earth is part of a much greater life web than the one present on earth.  Intelligent life or sentient beings exist throughout the cosmos; always have and always will.  The earth is not alone in the scheme of evolutionary processes, which is easily accepted if you have an inkling of scientific logical thinking.

On the other hand the world’s major religions have tried to manipulate humanity into believing that the human race is a rare and unique fixture of earth and the highest level which has ever been achieved.  Really?  Does that actually make any logical sense or is it a reasonable assumption?  There are far too many clear archeological artifacts left from ancient builders on this earth that defy our best efforts of construction today.  Academia has been lead down some ridiculous assumptions as well to deny clear evidence.

There are agendas and manipulations which have existed throughout human history to keep humanity in a state of control for the enrichment and exploitation of a few who have closely guarded the facts for millennia. I am not going to bother arguing this statement.  Do some research and find out the facts for yourself.  The internet is a great tool for researching many things.  Discernment in what you believe is however still an important factor.

Not everything you read is truth and even many parts of my story may not be factual from a certain perspective, but that is part of the story itself.  Finding truth and recognizing it when you find it is a large part of why I am writing this blog.  Truth does not come in neatly defined fact packets.  It comes from many different angles and perspectives and therein lies the need for discernment and rising above the emotional resonance of ideas.

In this blog, then, I will explore my thought processes and perspectives on how I see our current human collective moving into an expansion process in our evolutionary path.  I hope that by sharing my personal journey in discovering this process it may help others who are also discovering their own unique parts in this cosmic tapestry that we, as a human collective, are weaving.

I will share some of my personal story and history and how I came to see things as I do now and the challenges of accepting  that my understandings and viewpoints are not as far out or fringe as I once thought.  It is through sharing our unique stories and perspectives that we can begin to weave the collective tapestry of our human journey.  We each have a singular part and role to play in the collective that is humanity.  By humanity I am including all the different forms that I have known from the greater local universe not just here on earth.

This is not my story alone.  It is the story of many.  My story is not more important than your story, your neighbor’s story, or the autistic child’s story, but it is as important as yours and theirs.  Our stories together create the human collective consciousness and are each threads in the tapestry of that consciousness. All threads are important, but none more than any other.

I welcome you to join me as I unravel my tale and I hope that it will give you hope and courage to find your voice to tell your story.












After about a year of absence and not too much going on before that, I am in a totally new space, both spiritually and physically.  I have retired from the job world and have dived into the unknown through the door of retirement.  I have changed continents, countries, language and culture without an anchor or even a friend in my new abode.  It has been intentional and with a degree of the spirit of adventure that I have created this new challenge at this time in my life.  I had reached a level of boredom, or at least:  I am done with my current lifestyle and having the privilege of not having anyone to answer to I created the opportunity to explore a new level of life experience.  I came to the realization that it was now or never.  I still have plenty of years to go as far as can be predicted, and enough enthusiasm and energy to try to follow some of the dreams of my youth that I never got around to before.

My intentions in writing this in a blog format is to share my progression of experiences, the pitfalls and successes of my journey in self-discovery and hopefully give others some encouragement to follow their own journey of self-discovery.  I have been blessed with an ability to step into the unknown without too much trepidation about what might follow.  So far it has never lead me into anything I have not been able to handle and has always provided opportunities to self-reflect and grow as a person and as a soul.  In general, I will try to weave into my tales, the details of how I got to where I am today without a particular biographical sketch.  I will add that I see life as a journey of self-discovery not only on the physical and intellectual levels, but particularly, on a spiritual level.  By that I mean that I believe all aspects of life are connected and that the spiritual aspect of our lives drives all the other aspects.  I do not follow any religious doctrine, but I have studied many of the tenets of the major religions.  I follow my own path, which is basically aligned with the more eastern philosophies of zen and tao and the rhythms of nature.

I have spent the past year meditating, meeting new people, doing some traveling and finding that I needed to set some specific goals in order to maintain my sanity .  I found that the most challenging aspect of not going to a job is to find meaningful activities with which to spend my newly liberated hunks of time.  The idea that one just needs to follow one’s bliss is wonderful, if you have a clear idea of what that means to you.  There have been many things in my life which engaged my passion and made my heart sing, but that turned out to be the problem:  many things.   I asked myself which of these many things I would like to re-engage in.

As I started to explore different avenues, I found that some just did not grab me like they used to. For example,  I have always felt very drawn to healing since I was quite young and in fact went on to study biology and medically related areas, working in research during my career.  However, during the years in academic research I found myself questioning much of what I saw taking place around me, including the whys and wherefors.  I leaned more and more towards the alternative healing modalities.  I decided to take a course in Reiki, which is basically an energy healing modality.  It is Although I find it very beneficial, I also found I could not muster the enthusiasm with which I saw others engage and so I am currently dis-engaging from an active pursuit of this avenue.   I am finding that trial and error may be what will determine my next step in : finding my bliss.

I will continue my explorations of renewal and following the trail of finding bliss in the next post.  It will be an on-going documentation and I hope some of you will find an interest in sharing your adventures with me as well.  I welcome you to join me in this journey of self-discovery.

















Solo Journey

Alone, so alone.DSCN0008


Outside as well as Inside.

No one to share the depths of my soul with.


Screaming inside sometimes.  Talking with people, superficial.

Talking with myself, lonely.

Not that I can’t find answers; they’re there.

I just want to share them, compare notes,

Share experiences. Share love, sensuality.  Feel deeply.

Isn’t that why we’re here?

I’m looking for heart to heart connections, not finding many.

Everybody is so busy; no time to live life.

No time to be in the heart.

Do you remember who you are?  Where you came from?

We’re all in this together, whether we acknowledge it or not.

We came from the same source, limitlessness, the infinite.

Now we seem to be lost among the stars, drifting through time and space.

Alone. Separate. On a solo journey.







Through the mists

Years ago, as I was reading Marion Zimmer Bradley’s The Mists of Avalon, a scene captivated me which has to this day remained with me. In the barge on the lake, the Lady of the Lake called the mists down to carry her to Avalon. I have found myself aligning with this concept of calling in the mists to help me to reach across the dimensions where my lives in other realms and realities lie.
I am feeling implored to re-unite my soul fragments and return home to the magical realms where I once dwelt in harmony with all the natural worlds. I live along a large river and often see the mists rising in the early mornings and find myself carried to dream of the mysterious worlds beyond.
The waters in the form of mists carry unique resonant frequencies which are conducive to transformative processes. The purity of water and intent can bring miraculous transformations. This has been known and demonstrated for thousands of years at the sacred wells and springs recorded in our histories all across the earth. This old knowledge is once again awakening upon the earth through scientific research, such as that by Masaru Emoto and others. Along with that the sacred waters are also re-awakening as the earth’s new grid is bringing healing and cleansing of the waters. It is however very important that humans do ceremony and use creative intent to heal the waters and other pollution that has been inflicted on earth by humans. Many lightworkers and groups around the globe are doing this, but each of us as individuals are able to add our energies and intent to the overall work as well. There is no such thing as too little or too small. Each person with heart-felt love and intent adds to the healing effect of all.
Although it may seem I have wandered off course in my calling in the mists, it is part of my mission, it seems, to bring another voice of clarity to the importance of our individual efforts in the unified cause of healing of our earth and her living systems. I am integrating my scientific background with my mystical background to this transitional period we are in. Using our combined multi-dimensional experiences we can now empower ourselves to do those tasks we volunteered for in this incarnation upon Gaia.
It is each of us, where we are, in our homes, in our communities, that can take up the personal responsibility of blessing, praying, doing ceremony for our waters, our air, our foods. It is not to dwell upon the wrongs that we correct them, but by doing what is in our power to do to correct things. It may also be to actively participate in local action committees to bring public awareness and local response to solve problems in food chain, water quality and such, but we can begin at home first. Each action adds to the whole and brings a unified energy of intent to the overall solution.
Returning to my initial reference to calling in the mists, I now realize that in doing so I have called in my inner knowing and convictions. This is going to be a very interesting process. I am now becoming very excited at the prospects awaiting me.
Until next time, may the magical reveal itself to you in each and every day.

Gaia’s Love

Today, child, I birth a star, a child of freedom!
The tides of Time carried burdens of care,
Tirelessly, through ceaseless ages,
By the women, the mothers, wives and daughters,
Bringing the baskets of worries to the cauldron.
The flames of love are ignited to transform the tears of generations.
Release, release, release the fear, the worry, the lack.
The violet flames transmute, transform to golden sparks of joy,
Of peace and abundance to overflowing fountains of love.

Nourish your Soul

The beauty of each day is not found in the hurrying, rushing around.
Instead, look up to the sky and watch the ever-changing patterns of clouds, of light and shadow.
The beauty of each day is not found in the constant noise of a highway.
Listen to the wind in the needles of a pine and let it filter to the depths of your soul.
The beauty of each day is not found in the glare of a computer screen.
Look to the bud of a flower in its perfect formation, ready to burst forth in full splendor.
The beauty of each day is not found in the cacophony of voices in the marketplace.
Listen to the small sound of a cricket chirping, a bird singing, and hear the subtleties of each note and rhythm.
The beauty of each day is a balm to our soul and as necessary to our survival as food and water.
Nourish yourself, your whole self, with beauty and you will grow younger and calmer.

On the Threshold

As I approach the Fall Equinox I feel that I stand upon the threshold of a whole new life. These past several months have flown by as if the days had grown wings. Remarkable events of growth and release within myself and my family occurred. The energies rose and fell with each new wave of cosmic energy pulsing through our lives. I have been one of the lucky ones, I guess, because I did not experience the extreme body or emotional issues that I have read about with other lightworkers. I have felt the movements within my body and within my emotions,but they have been like floating on waves, bobbing up and down with the swells, often leaving me with joyous wonder of what the next wave would reveal.
I have felt this current portal on the 22nd more intensely building than any of the previous ones this year. The anticipation is palpable. Mother Gaia is ready to make a great push towards her goal of the 5th dimension and the universe as well as our supporting interdimensional cast of beings is standing by to assist her in every way. This great wave of love energy will propel her and all of her entourage upon her surface to new levels of vibrations we have never experienced before. Our bodily systems have been prepared for this over the course of our journey towards ascension for many years now and we are ready to expand in ways completely new. Gaia is rising into her freedom and we along with her to levels of joy and love, peace and abundance and ecstasy.

Personally, I am excited about the possibilities opening up as I feel ready to leap into my new life with joyous abandon.  I have been visualizing a most wonderful life filled with beauty, health, love and new adventures.   The old is falling away and if we do not give it any of our energy, it will crumble into dust as we move on towards nova Gaia.
Bless you all and may your stars all rise to greet you!